Explore these Cities:
(spend at least a day exploring)
St. Petersburg, Russia
Explore these Countries/States:
(spend a few days exploring)
The Yukon
Experiences to Have
Get married
Become a parent
Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Photograph the Northern Lights
Climb the Eiffel Tower
Explore Yosemite National Park
Hike to the top of Half Dome
Swim the Strait of Dover (English Channel, 21m wide)
Attend a regular season NFL game (preferably Green Bay Packers)
Go on a mission trip outside of the United States
Fly First Class -Completed- March 23, 2009- Phoenix, AZ to Milwaukee, WI. My mom and I volunteered to give up our seats on our flight the day before. They gave us first-class tickets on a flight the next day.
Stay at a ridiculously expensive hotel for a night
Swim under a waterfall
Make/help make a documentary
See the sunrise over the Atlantic -Completed- January 2010- Marineland Beach, Florida
See the Sunset over the Pacific -Completed- June 2006- Huntington Beach, California
Scuba dive
Skills and Achievements
Learn French Fluently
Get a university degree- in progress- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Pursuing degrees in photography and journalism
Own a house
Read the entire Bible cover-to-cover
Read On the Road by Kerouac
Stay at a ridiculously expensive hotel for a night
Swim under a waterfall
Make/help make a documentary
Scuba dive
Skills and Achievements
Learn French Fluently
Get a university degree- in progress- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Pursuing degrees in photography and journalism
Own a house
Read the entire Bible cover-to-cover
Read On the Road by Kerouac